Klaipėdos Gedminų progimnazijos
"Miracles of Christmas 2016"
Drawing Contest for Children
Klaipeda Gedminai progimnasium invites all students who like art, winter and Christmas to participate in the contest "Miracles of Christmas 2016".
Children are divided in to groups according to the age:
1 Group - 6 to 10 -year- old children;
2 Group - 11 to 13 –year- old children;
3 Group - 14 to 16 –year-old children;
4 Group - 15 to 18 -year- old children;
The winners will be awarded with a certificate and the presents.
Drawings are accepted until December 16th.
Drawings should be sent on e-mail:
The rules for the presented works:
Each participant between 6 and 18 years may present one drawing. The draving size 1024x768.
The followings should be written on the end of the work:
1) the student's name
2) the title of the drawing
3) the name of the school
4) teacher's name.
Font - Times New Roman (12 pt, Italic)